Oct 10, 2022 in Web design

Why you need page speed

Why is page speed important?

When building websites we always stay on top of all possible optimizations that can help us improve page speed. With good page speed we get advantages that cant be argued for is important.

  • Google ranking: Page speed is a ranking factor for Google search results. The better page speed better ranking possibilities wich can lead to more traffic and more potential visitors and customers. We pushed our customer Adam Solberg to page one on google doe his website is filled with heavy content, genreating bussiness opertunities on moontly basis.
  • User experince: The patience and attention span of the new generations is ridiculous short (Gen Z, 8 seconds). If pages load to slow, chance of visitors leaving before exploring your website shoots in the sky, this is bussines opertunity gone. Amazaon found out that every 100ms added page load time cost them 1% in sales. Thats $3.8 billion per year.
  • Mobil preformance: Page speed on mobile is even more important. Slow loadning time on phone makes visitors easely frustrated leaving the site. Also Google ranks websites where people stay longer higher.
  • Website security: Fast loading websites can also imporve security. Qucik loading time equals less time for hackers to get to vulnerabilities.

Working towards good pagespeed is important to improve sucess for serch engines, user experience,  convertions and enhancing security.

Webflow & page speed

Webflow is

  • Optimized code: When building in Webflow, it generates clean code designed to load quickly.
  • CDN integration: Webflow integrates with a Content Delivery Network (CDN), distributing content across multiple servers, so regardless of where visitors are located, they will experience fast loading times.
  • Lazy loading: In short, this means that website content only loads when it is needed, being efficient with the amount of data that needs to be transferred.

Overall, Webflow is known for its fast-loading websites due to its optimized code, CDN integration, and lazy loading capabilities. These features help to ensure that websites built with Webflow load quickly and provide a good user experience. Feel free to rech out to us if tou want to know how you can improve your page speed with or witout webflow.

Why is page speed important?

When building websites we always stay on top of all possible optimizations that can help us improve page speed. With good page speed we get advantages that cant be argued for is important.

  • Google ranking: Page speed is a ranking factor for Google search results. The better page speed better ranking possibilities wich can lead to more traffic and more potential visitors and customers. We pushed our customer Adam Solberg to page one on google doe his website is filled with heavy content, genreating bussiness opertunities on moontly basis.
  • User experince: The patience and attention span of the new generations is ridiculous short (Gen Z, 8 seconds). If pages load to slow, chance of visitors leaving before exploring your website shoots in the sky, this is bussines opertunity gone. Amazaon found out that every 100ms added page load time cost them 1% in sales. Thats $3.8 billion per year.
  • Mobil preformance: Page speed on mobile is even more important. Slow loadning time on phone makes visitors easely frustrated leaving the site. Also Google ranks websites where people stay longer higher.
  • Website security: Fast loading websites can also imporve security. Qucik loading time equals less time for hackers to get to vulnerabilities.

Working towards good pagespeed is important to improve sucess for serch engines, user experience,  convertions and enhancing security.

Webflow & page speed

Webflow is

  • Optimized code: When building in Webflow, it generates clean code designed to load quickly.
  • CDN integration: Webflow integrates with a Content Delivery Network (CDN), distributing content across multiple servers, so regardless of where visitors are located, they will experience fast loading times.
  • Lazy loading: In short, this means that website content only loads when it is needed, being efficient with the amount of data that needs to be transferred.

Overall, Webflow is known for its fast-loading websites due to its optimized code, CDN integration, and lazy loading capabilities. These features help to ensure that websites built with Webflow load quickly and provide a good user experience. Feel free to rech out to us if tou want to know how you can improve your page speed with or witout webflow.

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